I forgot to post the previous video on the blog, so we're going to make this post a double bill. One from the night of the 21st of January (well, after midnight, so technically the 22nd) and then one from last night. In a way, if you can bring yourself to watch both, it shows what you can achieve in a short time if you pull out all the stops with no regard to your physical well being :)
We've gotten off to a good start to 2015, with lots done over the holiday period. While it still looks like there's a hell of a lot to do, I think we're still ok for getting enough done to be able to move in by the end of January. Once we have a toilet in, that is! There's a lot of small jobs to do, and that adds up, but they are "finishing" jobs, which can be quite satisfying.
In keeping with the last few updates, here's a short video walkthrough of the status as of the 11th of January.